Although exercise can lower blood sugar, in these 7 situations, people with diabetes should still not exercise.
After the fasting blood sugar test was 4.5mmol/L, sugar lover Xiao Wang went to the park downstairs to exercise. However, after running, he suddenly felt that his feet were sinking. But when he saw that his feet were flat, he felt dizzy again, and then he realized that he was low. My blood sugar level was low, so I quickly called my wife to give him sugar water, and then I recovered.
In fact, this situation is very dangerous. Hypoglycemia caused by exercise is also very common. If you are not careful, it can even be life-threatening.
Reasonable exercise can ensure the safety of people with diabetes and improve the effectiveness of diabetes treatment. However, you should pay attention to the following 7 situations and never run.
1. Patients with significantly elevated blood sugar, exceeding 14.0-16.0mmol/L, or acute complications of diabetes, such as patients with positive urine ketones, should wait until their blood sugar stabilizes and ketone bodies disappear before exercising.
Do not exercise forcefully if you have an acute infection, especially if you have a fever and feel uncomfortable.
2. With fundus lesions, increased blood pressure and accelerated blood flow after exercise can easily induce or aggravate fundus bleeding.
3. Severe diabetic nephropathy can easily aggravate the condition after exercise due to decreased renal blood flow, increased urinary protein, and high blood urea nitrogen.
4. Severe foot ulcers.
5. People with type 1 diabetes whose condition is not well controlled should not exercise on an empty stomach, because blood sugar is prone to large fluctuations leading to hypoglycemia, or people with diabetes whose fasting blood sugar is >16.5 mmol/L after insulin injection should not exercise.
6. Severe macrovascular complications such as atherosclerosis of the aorta, coronary artery, basilar artery, renal artery and peripheral arteries, or heart and pulmonary insufficiency.
If the blood pressure is too high (blood pressure exceeds 180/120 mmHg) and cannot be well controlled, the blood pressure will rise after exercise, myocardial ischemia will be aggravated, and it will induce angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke.
7. Blood sugar fluctuates too much or is hypoglycemia? Refers to the following 3 situations:
(1) Fasting blood sugar fluctuates by more than 5.55mmol/L on different days
For example, the fasting blood sugar is 5.7mmol/L on the first morning, and the fasting blood sugar reaches 12mmol/L the next day or a few days later;
(2) The range of blood sugar changes within a day reaches more than 11.1mmol/L, but it is necessary to rule out whether it is due to diet, exercise or medication;
(3) If blood sugar is lower than 4.0 mmol/L, it is not suitable to exercise temporarily.
Choice of exercise time
Of course, exercise time is also very important. People with diabetes should choose based on their diet and the action time of insulin injection. It is best to exercise after meals.
If you increase the amount of exercise unplanned, pay attention to adding a meal before exercise, or carry candies or biscuits with you in case of hypoglycemia.
Morning exercise should be done after injecting islets or taking medicine, preferably 60 to 90 minutes after breakfast (that is, after sunrise). Be especially careful to avoid exercising on an empty stomach, as hypoglycemia is more likely to occur on an empty stomach.
When blood sugar is too low, you must not go out to exercise, let alone exercise on an empty stomach. People with diabetes must carry candy with them when exercising!
It is recommended to walk for 30 to 60 minutes after dinner and add 150 ml of warm water or sugar-free milk after exercise to help improve sleep quality and reduce blood viscosity.
Physiological studies have shown that people with diabetes cannot achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar in the first 5 to 10 minutes of exercise. Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes has the best effect on lowering blood sugar. If exercise exceeds 40 minutes, although blood sugar can decrease, the concentration of fatty acids in the blood increases. It will not play a very good role in controlling diabetes.
Therefore, we recommend exercising 3-5 times a week for about 30 minutes each time. If you feel slightly sweaty after exercising, it means it has a certain effect.