Only 27 years old, he was admitted to emergency room twice in 3 years due to diabetic ketoacidosis.

Only 27 years old, he was admitted to emergency room twice in 3 years due to diabetic ketoacidosis.

Case number one:

Mr. Meng, 27 years old, works in the IT industry. Due to high work pressure, he often stays up late, drinks alcohol, and eats irregularly. He often suffers from physical discomfort, which he thinks is due to being too tired.

On the night of Chinese Valentine's Day, she suddenly went into shock and coma. Her family rushed her to the hospital for rescue. During the examination, Mr. Meng's blood sugar was as high as 53.4mmol/L, his blood ketones were greater than 4mmol/L, and his carbon dioxide binding capacity was less than 10mmol/L. He was diagnosed with COVID-19. Severe diabetic ketoacidosis, fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time and saved his life.

This is the second time in three years that Mr. Meng has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment due to diabetic ketoacidosis. Staying up late, drinking, drinking water instead of water, and high work pressure are the main causes of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Case 2:

The 28-year-old Suzhou boy drank at least 4 bottles of drinks every day and drank the drinks as water. He went into shock and his blood sugar went off the charts. He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Case three:

There is a similar phenomenon among Sugar Nurse fans. The post-85s generation often stay up late due to high work pressure. When they were diagnosed with diabetes, their blood sugar was 31mmol/L and their ketones were four plus signs.

News with keywords such as "young people", "coma", "sugar blood sugar levels" and "first aid" frequently appear in front of everyone. It is distressing but also raises doubts: Isn't diabetes a disease of the elderly? Why are more and more young people being diagnosed with diabetes?

In fact, it is very simple. The incidence of diabetes is getting younger and younger.

The incidence of diabetes in my country shows a trend of getting younger

Current data shows that the prevalence of diabetes among young people under the age of 40 is as high as 5.9%. The incidence of diabetes is showing a trend of getting younger, which means that one out of every 10 lovers has diabetes.

If prediabetes is also included (the prevalence of prediabetes in young people is about 10%), one in ten young people will have impaired glucose tolerance.

Among the 1 million registered users of Sugar Nurse APP: users under the age of 35 account for as high as 42%. It can be seen more intuitively from the data that young people are not far away from diabetes.

Of course, such a high proportion is related to the fact that young people are more willing to use APPs to control blood sugar, but it is undeniable that diabetes in China is becoming increasingly younger.

Young people should bid farewell to the "sweet life"

With the continuous improvement of living standards, young people generally have unhealthy diets, less exercise, smoking, drinking, and high stress. This is also the main reason why diabetes is becoming younger and younger.

Most young people with diabetes have three things in common:

There are many obese people

Few people exercise

There are many people with bad living habits (eating unhealthy, staying up late, etc.)

In order to better prevent and treat diabetes, young people should bid farewell to the "sweet" life and strengthen lifestyle intervention:

Control the BMI (body mass index) of obese people at 24 or below;

The total daily calories should be maintained at 2200-2400 kcal (kilocalorie);

Limit the intake of high-calorie foods and reduce sugar intake;

Limit red meat intake and eat more plant-based foods;

Moderate-intensity physical activity, 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week.

Youth is no longer a safe haven for "unruly behavior". I hope that more people will pay attention to the trend that the incidence of diabetes is getting younger and younger, so that more people will pay attention to diabetes, learn to intervene in life in the early stage, and actively monitor blood sugar, which can Very good at preventing and treating diabetes.

Don't let diabetes become a burden to the "sweetness" of youth.

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Powerful read on a young diabetic’s journey. Highlights urgency for DKA awareness & management.

Daniel Ross

Eye-opening story on diabetic ketoacidosis risks. Vital awareness for early prevention. – Emma Wilson,"

Emma Wilson

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